Dropbox -> Notion: Task creation and updating based on Dropbox folders

Hello -

I work on a small game team that uses Dropbox to store our asset repositories and Notion to store our documentation, tasks, and bugs. Up until this point, our engineering team and art teams have worked relatively siloed from one another, and had separate ways of creating and tracking tasks. This has proven fine for the layout of our project and team for a long time, but since migrating to Notion, we are looking to improve visibility of progress across the team, which means finding creative ways to help bridge workflows and get everyone’s tasks living in the same place.

Our art team currently tasks work by creating Dropbox project folders, and moving those folders (and their contents) between several subfolders labeled for their status. For instance:

ArtistName / Tasks / 1-Not Started / Creature - Fluffy Bumblebee

My goal here is to get their work tracked in Notion as database items in our Tasks database, because I don’t want to upend their workflows and create extra headaches for them. I would like to create two automations.

The first one ideally would:

  • search the 1-Not Started directory of an artist for new project folders (in the above case: Creature - Fluffy Bumblebee)
  • if one does not exist: creates a Notion task using the name of the project folder, set to our Not Started task status, and assigned to the artist ( ArtistName in the above example)
  • if one does exist: ignore

The second one ideally would:

  • search the 2-In Progress directory of an artist for new project folders (in the above case: Creature - Fluffy Bumblebee, since it’s starting to be worked on)
  • search the Notion database for a task of the same name (e.g. the task created in the first automation) and change its status to In Progress.

I would then take the philosophy used in the second automation, and clone it for cases where a folder has been moved from the 2-In Progress directory to the 3-Done directory, etc.

When I first hooked up my Dropbox and Notion accounts to Make, I was able to successfully build the first automation, and could see the task in Notion - it worked great…


Now, I know that the first inclination for replies here might be to have me check the “When to run this” parameter of my first module (Search for Dropbox Folders) to make sure it’s actually running in a way that would always detect new folders. It does, and I have checked every parameter here, but the main problem is that the module is no longer outputting a bundle I can use. In fact, it doesn’t seem like it’s outputting a bundle at all - because the result is “null”. And because the bundle is null, I can’t proceed down the chain of the routine because there’s… nothing to map to later modules.

First module of first integration:

Output results of first module:

I cannot figure out why the first integration is no longer seeing folders, and thus producing a null bundle, and not advancing. I have tried the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Scrapping the routine entirely and rebuilding it
  • Disconnecting and reconnecting Dropbox and Notion to my Make account
  • Reauthorizing and Verifying those connections multiple times
  • Asking the module to run all the time, going forward, on a specific date, etc.

TLDR 1: I want Make to notice if there are new Dropbox folders in a1-Not Started directory, check for Notion database items of the same name and status, and if not, create one based on the folder’s name, assign it to the artist, and set its status properly to match.

TLDR 2: I want Make to notice if there are new Dropbox folders in a 2-In Progress directory, check for Notion database items of the same name, and if they exist, update their status.

Let me know if any more information might be helpful!

Hi @Dana_Pull

“Watch Files” is a trigger module designed to operate with newly added files. It will activate when a file is added to the folder, and if there are no new files, it will produce a null value.

To test the module, please follow the below steps.

  1. Right click on the module choose where to start.
  2. Click choose manually and take one option.
    3.Run the module.