Todoist to Notion Sync Tasks

Hello everyone!

I’ve just started using Make, and I’m trying to create a scenario which will:

A. Listen to tasks I create in Todoist, and create them in a database on a Notion page

B. Update the already existing task’s status (which has already been mapped to Notion) (For example, update the status from “Not started” to “Done” by checking if it has been completed on Todoist.

C. Ensure that all fields except for the name of the task are not mandatory to create the database item on Notion.

What is the Problem and my Question?

  1. Initially, when I’d “complete” a task in Todoist, this would create a new DB item on Notion, with the same title and details, but the status would be “Done” on Notion, whilst the previous one would be “Not started”, so this is a duplicate.
  2. Then I included the “Search Objects” step in the screenshots, but now nothing happens to the task’s status on Notion when I mark it as complete on Todoist. How can I achieve A, B, and C?

My current solution is this:

What solutions have I explored so far?
These are the sources I’ve looked through so far:

  1. (I used this video to set up the first Scenario)
  2. Google sheets to Notion Database, avoiding duplication - #3 by Milton_Bedford (I used this to ignore already existing tasks).
  3. Avoid Notion duplicates - #4 by OhadZamir (Similar solution as #2 above)

Thank you!

Hello @mohanad and welcome to the Make Community!

Typically, in these types of scenarios, once the Notion item is created, you need to store the ID of that back into Todoist, if possible, like a custom field or something.
Next time the scenario runs, if the Notion ID exists in the Todoist item, you’ll know exactly which item to update in Notion and there’s no need to search for it.
If the scenario runs and there’s no Notion ID in the Todoist item, you’ll know you need to create a new Notion item.

Hope this makes sense and hope it helps!

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