OAuth2 Module for the Google Chat API

Hi there,

My Goal is to take new Jobs created in ServiceTitan and create a Google Chat Space with the Client name. For whatever reason, it seems I need to Re-Authorize the Google Cloud OAuth2 manually after each run to keep the token current. If I don’t, I get the following error after a few runs:

“Request had invalid authentication credentials. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/devconsole-project.

Curious if anyone else has had this issue!

I’ve followed another user’s advise and set the OAuth2 to “In Production”. We’ll see if that fixes it…


Heya @angus :wave:

I just want to say thank you very much for keeping the community updated on your progress. Feel free to let us know if that piece of advice ended up working well for you :slight_smile:

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This hasn’t been solved.

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Thanks for the update @angus :pray:

Let’s not lose hope. There’s always a chance that someone from the community will step in and lend a hand.

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Closing this one out. It seems the solution was to remove access in Gmail and then re-establish access through Make. Now it appears to have captured and saved the Refresh Token in the Connection. Shoutout to the Community for all the help on this one.

Link: https://myaccount.google.com/connections?filters=3


Hello again @angus :wave:

Awesome to hear that you managed to get this solved using the knowledge shared in the community :clap:

Thanks a lot for circling back and letting us know what did the trick for you. This is super valuable and could help others in the future :pray:

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