Parsing PDF with invoice feature

Hello all, I am trying to figure out what I am doing wrong here and would appreciate any pointers. I have tried the standard parse of pdf using, get/map, iterator/aggregator etc and then finally tried the AI invoice parser in

Now the issue is, I can see the output, eg " Tipper Trailer 5469 SXA IPA-3" but for some reason I cannot map it when I see it on the Google Sheets part.

I can map the rest of the items fine. Note that the split PDF is to extract the first page only of the PDF as that is the invoice part.

If it helps, the line on the invoice for the truck is on a separate line on the invoice and the details are on the next line – however, I do not think this is the issue as it seems to parse fine in the output collection but for some reason does not appear when trying to select in the Sheets bit…

sorry having some editing issue for first post and have to add comment here: its the description part in the collection that mentions the Tipper (bottom right of second image) and that’s what seems to disappear when mapping in sheets.

When you see array think iterator. Iterate over the array then you an get it that is the easiest way. Or you can use a get function.

If there was a “slap on my head” emoji, I would have used that…Yes that worked and thank you @Mr.Make!

I am not sure what I was doing wrong before (perhaps another module in-between) but I consider this a reminder I should revisit Make Academy!

Although initially marked as solved, how can I ensure the iteration is dynamic for subsequent invoices as running the scenario with another invoice seems to break the values/description for sheets/excel?

Currently set as iterate and then sheets…when mapped it runs but not for subsequent documents likely due to variations in data size

This issue has been solved, please see: ifempty & parameters

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