Pinterest Trial access vs Standard Access

I have access to the Pinterest API and was approved for Trial Access. It looks like pins posted with Trial Access are only visible to the user that created it. Do I need to upgrade to Standard access? I want to be able to automate Pin creation through

To upgrade to Standard Access, I create a screen recording showing:

  • Show how your app authenticates Pinterest users
  • Show the main Pinterest features your users will use
  • You can include an optional voiceover of how your app works in the video

Is all this necessary to create pins? Any suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated!

Welcome to the Make community!

Yes, the Pinterest Trial plan is for you to test and build your application.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.

— @samliew

Thanks for your response. I am simply trying to connect to the API so I can create a scenario to automate some of my Pinterest Pins.

I am not building an application for public use. There won’t be any “users” or “authentication”.

Would this still be the path I need to go down? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Looks like Pinterest requires you to demonstrate that your application works to their support team before they approve you for security reasons.

If you are the only intended user of the Pinterest API we will still require a video recording of the oauth flow. We accept screen recordings of calls on your terminal or through tools such as Postman.

For more information, see “Upgrade your app to Standard access”.

Are all other customers submitting videos to Pinterest to access their API? I am having trouble understanding how the Pinterest module is useful in if this is a requirement from Pinterest?

How can I, as a customer of, provide a video showing “how the app creates a token and authorizes the API to access the account, then the video needs to show how the app uses various endpoints it is intended to use”

Any help from Make would be greatly appreciated.

Please see response from Pinterest below:

My access request was denied without explanation. Did you get any further with this?

I’m also wondering the normal connect you can do with Pinterest seems to need reauthorization a lot… Perhaps getting access to the actual API would solve this? Still contemplating if I should try the request again :') …

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I would like to know if someone was able to upgrade the Pinterest App from the Trial access to the Standard Access.
I was rejected twice for the same reasons after recording a video with all the steps given on the screen.
Screenshot 2024-10-17 221358

Hi Hossam,

I just updated my own topic on this matter. Hopefully this will help you out: [400] {"code":1,"message":"Sorry! This site doesn't allow you to save Pins."} - #5 by Unicorn_Quest

Hi Unicorn_quest,

Thank you dear friend!
The problem I have is on the pinterest side. But it makes the pinterest module on useless.
I created a scenario, connected to pinterest, requested data and showed the results on the video. But It was rejected for the second time and also, the upgrade APP button on the pinterest page is now gone.

Yes, I had the same problem. So, you may create up to 5 apps. What I did was go to this page: Pinterest Developers → and under “my Apps” I added a second app. I did input the same information.

Here I created a new video with the steps that I laid out above. And this time it got accepted.

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Hi Unicorn_Quest,

Thank you for your tip. I will try it again :slight_smile:

Have a great day!