Problem Connecting Make to Notion

I was trying to connect make to notion, following the tutorial here:

at 19 minutes is where im stuck at.

I can successfully create a public or private connection, and can see it in make, However I am unable to see the database connections.

In notion, on the database page, I tried going to the more menu, connect to, and select the “Make” application, and it takes me to an informational page

In notion i went to settings & members > my connections > develop or manage integrations, created public and private connections. yet when i return to make, databases are still not showing

Ive also tried sharing the article with make (apparently this is the old way of doing things, and the option is not there)

Please help im pulling my hair out!

Hi Alan,
Make sure your connection in Notion has access to the databases you need on Make. You could do so by selecting “Connections” and then select the connection in question and simply give it access to the requisite database.

Thank you for your response. I tried to do this but discovered that I didn’t have access to the ‘Connections’ tab under the ‘Settings and members’ menu. I reached out to an admin, who created a connection for me. However, just like on my computer, the connection shows up on the ‘Develop or manage connections’ screen but is still not selectable for the database.