Connecting Notion Database instead redirects to generic integration gallery page

What are you trying to achieve?

I have set up a connection between Notion and Make including setting up the right permissions in Notion’s connection page, however when I try to connect a database to Make, Notion displays this message:

“Make is developed by a third party partner and you will be redirected outside of Notion to authorize this connection. Continue?”

If I press confirm, my web browser redirects me to this page: Make Integrations | Connect Your Apps with Notion

Can anyone shed some light on this topic? Thanks!

Steps taken so far

Integrated Notion and Make and attempted to connect a database to Make.

Hello @Anthony_Donato,
Welcome to the community!
Have you created Notion to Make a connection(implementation) using these instructions

Please just confirm it.

Yes I have :slight_smile: connection on Notion and Make has been made, but I can’t connect my database.

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