Publishing Facebook/Instagram Stories


I’ve been researching how to use Make to publish stories on Instagram and Facebook. I’ve hit dead end after dead end. I think this is mostly due to my lack of knowledge when it comes to HTTP requests and trying to understand META’s very confusing, seemingly contradictory, API documentation. If you read the docs specifically about posting stories there are parts that say you need a business account to publish stories (which I have). When you go to the info related to publishing stories with a business account on that matter it will not mention that you have the ability to publish stories…

I’ve scoured forums and posts on this as well and there seems to be no knowledge on how to do this specifically in Make. I’ve tried watching videos on python scripts that call the META API and translate that over to Make.

Things I’ve tried:

  • Custom API calls with HTTP requests and JSON modules to META API
  • Custom API calls with HTTP requests to Ayrshare App

I’ve tried multiple iterations of the 2 things listed above. Nothing.
Again, these failures are probably due to a lack of knowledge on my end.

So that brings me here for advice.

  1. (The easier solution) Does anyone know of a 3rd party app that I can make simple HTTP requests to (or has a built in module) in order to publish stories to FB/Insta?
    A. I’ve tried AyrShare but I can’t seem to get it to work.
    B. I’d prefer an app that is either free or has a subscription in the $20 or less range.
  2. (More difficult solution) Can anyone recommend a video/resource to build a scenario to call the META API that is most applicable to my desired use case?
  3. Any other suggestions?