RegEx to wrap words in HTML

I would like to wrap (surround) all words “flyer” (case insensitive) in the HTML text content, not those in the link. My RegEx works fine on Regex101: regex101: build, test, and debug regex
Below my HTML file to test my (non working) JS RegEx.
Test RegEx
Thank you and regards.

<title>Test RegEx</title>
<style type="text/css">
 textarea{display:inline block;width: 100%;background:#fdfdfd; &:focus{background:#fff6df}}
 input{margin: 20px 0}
 function testRX() {
  var str=document.getElementById("str").innerHTML;
  var res=str.replace("(?<=>[^<]*)(flyer)|(flyer)(?=[^>]*<)","<u>$1$2</u>");
<body id="ULR">

<P>I would like to wrap (surround) all words "flyer" (case insensitive) in the HTML text content, not those in the link. My RegEx works fine on <a href="" target="_blank">Regex101</a> ...</P>
<textarea rows="7" id="str"> <a href="">Flyer Talk website</a>
Forum <a href="">Delta</a>
----- <a href="">AAA</a>
<u>Pneu</u> FLYER
- FLYER 40-622 <a href="">TUB</a> FLYER

<P>... but not with this JS replacement:</P>
<input type="button" value=" Test RegEx (function testRX in source)" onclick="testRX()" />

<textarea rows="7" id="res"></textarea>

<P>Expected result (like <a href="" target="_blank">Regex101</a>). 5 words "flyer" in HTML text are wraped by U tag: &lt;u&gt; &lt;/u&gt;</P>

<textarea rows="7" id="res">
<u>flyer</u> <a href=""><u>Flyer</u> Talk website</a>
Forum <a href="">Delta</a>
----- <a href="">AAA</a>
<u>Pneu</u> <u>FLYER</u>
- <u>FLYER</u> 40-622 <a href="">TUB</a> <u>FLYER</u>

<P>How to fix my JS RegEx ?</P>

Welcome to the Make community!

It looks like you can use the word boundary token to match whole words, and not partial words.


Will not match


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Thanks samliew.

I found a solution to my problem. See attached function textRX() in the HTML file below.

<title>Test RegEx</title>
<style type="text/css">
 textarea{display:inline block;width: 100%;background:#fdfdfd; &:focus{background:#fff6df}}
 input{margin: 20px 0}
function testRX() {
	var rex=new RegExp("(?<=>[^<]*)(flyer)|(flyer)(?=[^>]*<)","gi"); //Previous one had mistake
	var str=document.getElementById("str").textContent; //Not .innerHTML
	var res=str.replace(rex,"<u>$1$2</u>");

<P>I would like to wrap (surround) all words "flyer" (case insensitive) in the HTML text content, not those in the link. My RegEx works fine on <a href="" target="_blank">Regex101</a></P>
<textarea rows="5" id="str"> <a href="">Flyer Talk website</a>
Forum <a href="">Delta</a>
<u>Pneu</u> FLYER</textarea>

<input type="button" value=" Test RegEx" onclick="testRX()" />

<textarea rows="5" id="res"></textarea>

<P>Expected result (like <a href="" target="_blank">Regex101</a>). 3 words "flyer" in HTML text are wraped by U tag: &lt;u&gt; &lt;/u&gt;</P>

<textarea rows="5" id="res"><u>flyer</u> <a href=""><u>Flyer</u> Talk website</a>
Forum <a href="">Delta</a>
<u>Pneu</u> <u>FLYER</u></textarea>
function testRX() {
 var rex=new RegExp("(?<=>[^<]*)(flyer)|(flyer)(?=[^>]*<)","gi"); //Previous one had mistake
 var str=document.getElementById("str").<b>textContent</b>; //Not .innerHTML
 var res=str.replace(rex,"<u>$1$2</u>");

Hello @samz :wave:

Congratulations on solving this one on your own!

Also thank you very much for coming back here with your ideas :pray:.

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