Restoring Module Numbers Display on Interface

Hello everyone,

I’ve been encountering an issue with my interface on where the module numbers that used to display have suddenly disappeared (as seen in the attached screenshot). I rely on these numbers for quick navigation and they were very helpful. However, I am unsure how to restore them.

Has anyone else experienced this issue? If so, how were you able to resolve it? I’d appreciate any guidance or suggestions.

Thank you in advance for your help!


This is quite easy. You can restore the module IDs by right-clicking on the module name and selecting the Show Module ID option.

Please refer to the attached screenshot:


As weird as it sounds I do not have this option for some reason.

I recorded a video: CleanShot 2023-10-16 at 09.59.07 · CleanShot Cloud

I reached out to the support as well because this is weird

Don’t click on any modules, right click on an empty part of the scenario, then you will see the Show Module ID option.


Thank you so much. It worked!