Revamp of Make modules

Over the last several weeks, Make has revamped the look & feel of all the modules.

Overall, this has been a pretty nice change, but there have been 2 problems:

  1. The modules no longer give us a question mark icon to click on to take us to the documentation for that particular module.

  2. The error handling modules are no longer visibly accessible on the screen nor through any menus. Now, we can only get to the error modules by right-clicking on a module and choosing “Add error handler”.

Any chance that these 2 things can be improved?

Thank you!

Hi @ScottWorld :wave:

Thanks a lot for bringing this up here in the community. :pray:

I just wanted to let you know that we’re actively collecting feedback on our recently launched enhanced app search to improve the user experience and make it as smooth as possible.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!