Scenario timeout (max 45 min) -> workarounds?

Hi Makers, I have a scenario that runs daily at a set time. It occasionally takes longer than 45 min to complete hence runs into a timeout. The scenario is not supposed to run at any other time of the day (scheduling), but I also need it to complete all the tasks at that time for a second consecutive task to start.

I’m wondering whether it would be possible to set up a mechanism that restarts the scenario whenever it hits the maximum execution time. I read a few entries, notably here and there, but couldn’t really find a solution.

I’m looking for a work around to this error:

* `Execution was requested to stop`
* `Execution was FORCED to stop because MAXIMUM EXECUTION and OVERLAY TIMEOUT [45 minutes] had elapsed`

Thanks for any suggestions,

Hey @Zbulo

The maximum execution timeout is 40minutes, therefore you get 5 minutes extra which allows total max execution of 45 minutes.

You can put at the end of your scenario (where the error is occured) a HTTPS (make a request module) and the data should be send to the webhook in the another scenario,
the other scenario should start with webhook(which is recieved from previous scenario) and insert same modules and logic. It will run fine

I hope this helps.

You’ll have to split the first scenario up into smaller sub-scenarios, and run them consecutively.

Identify the longest running modules (like external API calls) and move them out.

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Hey @Zbulo ,

We once created a guide here, on ideas how to prevent the Max Execution time by using a queue:
Scenario Hack: Preventing Maximum Execution Time & Rate-Limiting (Using Queues) - Showcase - Make Community