Scenario validation failed, Missing value of required parameter ‘IMTCONN

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Has the following problems when trying to run the scenarios “Find YouTube videos in a channel, summarize with ChatGPT, and email results”. This is a template provided and I have followed all the guided setup (although some are outdated versions, i try my best to find the similar configuration )

Cannot initialize the scenario because of the reason ‘Scenario validation failed - 1 problem(s) found.’

  • Missing value of required parameter ‘IMTCONN’.
    Scenario initialization failed with an error.

Screenshots: scenario setup, module configuration, errors

Hi @TNT_Grieferz
The error means that one of the modules is missing a required parameter. IMTCONN is usually the connection parameter, in most cases this means you haven’t selected a Connection in one of the modules.
Looks, like it’s Apify connection

Hi, Kirill, thanks for helping me. I just checked back the connection, i have all of them connected to certain apps as i shown u in the screenshots above, yet i can’t find any missing connection or wrong connection, i really think my non programmer career brings difficulty for me to diagnose the problem…

Just go the problem solved because it hinted my apify has unsaved changes… which i didn’t change anything after testing… but still after i run the scenario successfully, nothing appeared in my recipient email. :sweat_smile:

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