Schedule Airtable managed CMS

Dear Make Community,

I have a date field in Airtable that contains also the time, e.g 15th Feburary 2024 22:14 (24h format)

This field is my desired publishing time of a new blog post

What’s the best way to trigger my Make scenario so that it gets published at that time or as close to this time as possible?

Current ideas:

  • Airtable automation to trigger webhook and run scenario → Not possible to run at selected time and it would trigger at midnight

  • Trigger at midnight with Airtable automation and save correct date including time in a datastore + use this to trigger a new scenario → Issue is that i would need to set the scenario intervalls to let’s say 15 minutes and waste tons of operations due to a low amount of posts per week

What other options are there that are best practice and most effienct?

Any help is highly appreciated! :slight_smile:

Hi @Karim,

One option is to use Airtable automations with a Make Mailhook. Please see this post and this post for more detail on the steps to set it up.

If your Airtable plan supports scripting, I think you can do something similar and instead of sending an email as the automation’s action, run a script instead. The script could then run a Make Scenario with a webhook trigger. @Ingo describes how to set this up in this post.


Hi Donald, thanks a lot for responding to my issue.

Actually I figured a workaround out in the meantime which more or less consists of your suggestions, really appreciate it.

My solution looks like this:

:heavy_check_mark: Ready’,
:hourglass: Pending’

This Airtable formula checks if the entered time has been passed or not and then I have an automation that checks for records that match the ‘:heavy_check_mark: Ready’ condition and triggers a webhook by using the script or a mailhook by using the send a mail

Thank you!


Hi @Karim :wave:

Awesome to hear that you managed to figure this one out :clap:

Thank you very much for stepping back in here and sharing your final setup with the rest of us. This is super valuable and can benefit many others looking for similar info. :pray:

FYI: I marked your last comment as a solution to keep the community organized and easy to look for answers.

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