Search rows in Google Sheets takes too long (sometimes...)

What are you trying to achieve?

I have some “Search Rows” modules in Google Sheets. Since I need to search for multiple items, the module sometimes repeats within the scenario.
I need the searches to run at a consistent speed to ensure fast or at least normal response times. However, about 50% of the time, the “Search Rows” module takes a long time to complete.
The sheet contains a considerable amount of data, but it’s not massive.

What I find strange is that the speed slows down only occasionally. At other times, the search runs very quickly, and the scenario finishes within seconds.

What I find strange is that the speed slows sometimes only. Other times the search is really fast and the scenatio finishes in seconds.

Steps taken so far

  • Changed the order of the routes.
  • Optimized the sheets with zero results (simplified the data to one or two rows with static values instead of formulas).
  • The slowdown happens only with the “Search Rows” module.

@felipemarquardt , I get the same problem sometimes. Yesterday evening I tried to run a scenario and it took like 30 seconds to search a row, instead of like 3-4 seconds as usual.

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I have been experiencing this exact same issue for several weeks!

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