Send a message to whatsapp group

I’ve been trying to send a whatsapp template message to a group but the message is not arriving, even though I get a 200 OK response.
I’m using the verified Make app to send messages. This work when sending template messages to a phone number (individual) but it does not when sending it to a group ID (group)
I tried as well using postman but using the “recipient_type”: “group” it gives me an error, but maybe there is another way.

So, how can I send a message to whatsapp group? If possible, not using any third apps, I read a few other posts where this was done through other apps.

I also noticed that the whatsapp verifyed Make app needs and update, there are many more endpoints now in whatsapp, mybe I just request and update as well :smiley:

WhatsApp Cloud API doesn’t support WhatsApp groups, and that is likely the reason it’s not working.

For WhatsApp groups, you need to use regular WhatsApp Messenger or WhatsApp Business numbers, and an integration that lets you message to groups.

For example, 2Chat.

Alright got it, thank you!

Will check it out