Send email with more than 1 recipient

How can I send to more recipients? When I try to separate the e-mail addresses in the “to” field with “,” or “;” I always get an error.

Hi. If are using the email module from Make must add the recipients using the option “add a recipient” in the fiel “to”. The same for Gmail mudule


Thanks, Helio!
If you have questions reach out :wink:

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That will be work great as wemakefuture wrote :+1: . I also work with gmail and use this option to send eMails to more then one recipients.

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I have found a solution . with split(…) it works for me.

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Heya @Pebowski welcome to the community :wave:

Also, thanks a lot for letting us know how you managed to solve the issue, we truly appreciate that :sunglasses: