Send Gmail thread to Notion as task (only one)

When I label an email thread in Gmail, I’d like it to create a task in my Task Database in Notion.

In the moment every email in the thread is creating a separate task in Notion.

My solution was:

1 - When an email gets labeled (i.e. "Notion Task) in Gmail, we have our trigger.

2 - A router splits processing the label in Gmail. This piece is working fine.

3 - The second path from the splitter is searching my Notion database for a characteristic that may have been mapped from a previous email. I’ve tried adding the ThreadID and Subject to the task name in Notion.

After this step is a filter searching for the ThreadID, and if it’s absent we continue to the next step.

4 - If the ThreadID from Gmail is not present in Notion already, a new task is created in Notion with the ThreadID+Subject.

However, my filter either lets nothing through or everything through. Can someone help me reimagine this?

Hi Elizabeth,
Happy to help you reimagine this if I can. What does the output of the Gmail module look like? If you want, feel free to send the scenario blueprint as a helpful troubleshooting mechanism.