Send only one Slack Massage at the end of my scenario

I have a scenario that allows me to retrieve my Amazon sales data and send it to Big Query.
At the end of this scenario, I ask Slack to send a message to indicate the number of rows inserted in Big Query. The problem is that slack sends me one message per row (sometimes up to 100) instead of a single message, which makes me reach the limit of slack messages sent and crashes my scenario.
I’ve tried putting a text aggregator and then an array aggregator in front of the slack module but nothing works, I always receive as many messages as there are lines inserted. Is there a function that tells slack to wait until the scenario is finished before sending it? I’m lost.

Hey @Benjamin_HAMON

You should change the ‘source module’ in the Text Aggregator module to be the ‘Iterator’ or the ‘Parse JSON’ module:


I hope that helps you.


Hi Olly,

Thanks it works fine.
I’m now looking to return a single line, so I’ll try the group by function.

Thanks so much for your help !