Sending multiple URSs from attachment field in airtable via single email

Newbie here so apologies if this has been explained in the community already.

My goal is to send a new record from table including multiple images in attachment field in a single gmail.

I can send email with all data and only the first image of the attachment field successfully.

Looking through the community posts I tried using iterator and/or aggregator but I cannot seem to get it right. I only want to send URL not as attachment so I am suspecting http module isn’t needed here.

Could someone please shed a light on this?

Here is the data source in airtable.

Ultimately I would like to send a collection of thumbnails with link to the actual image file

I can send only the first image.

Welcome to the Make community!

1. Scenario blueprint

Please export the scenario blueprint file to allow others to view the mappings and settings. At the bottom of the scenario editor, you can click on the three dots to find the Export Blueprint menu item.

(Note: Exporting your scenario will not include private information or keys to your connections)

Uploading it here will look like this:

blueprint.json (12.3 KB)

2. And most importantly, Output bundles

Please provide the output bundles of the Airtable module by running the scenario, then click the white speech bubble on the top-right of each module and select “Download output bundles”.


Save the bundle contents in your text editor as a bundle.txt file, and upload it here into this discussion thread.

Uploading it here will look like this:

bundle.txt (12.3 KB)


If you are unable to upload files on this forum, alternatively you can paste the formatted output bundle in this manner:

  • Either add three backticks ``` before and after the code, like this:

    input/output bundle content goes here

  • Or use the format code button in the editor:

Providing the output bundles will allow others to replicate what is going on in the scenario even if they do not use the external service.

Following these steps will allow others to assist you here. Thanks!


Thank you for your prompt response, samliew.

Here is the json file.
blueprint.json (90.5 KB)

txt file isn’t allowed so here is the output bundle.

“fldQSASzGaMHzzx7A”: “2023-07-29”,
“fldyTrAPX1HugmyDH”: “checked”,
“fldaXtCITjOiBKS9M”: “checked”,
“fldioMyYCloCwBZ3u”: “checked”,
“fldd6Q6KpiVmb6PNk”: “checked”,
“fldjE8UA9SJ0WOKB2”: “checked”,
“fld35ztTQMtstNyre”: “checked”,
“fld5yfMlHoTuEan3z”: “TV software uploarded. テレビのソフトウェアの更新”,
“fldABdhTWnlLNl6Uy”: “by the celling had a water damage. シーリングに一部が少し膨らんでいます。エバンと相談します。”,
“fldY8tJprTxg78NjB”: “checked”,
“flddN0hDEhvteE3XN”: “checked”,
“flduIvmnar6IxYXYq”: “checked”,
“fld4sTGzY9PMhbZ0U”: “tighten the right side handle. 右側のドアの取っ手のぐらつきを締め直しました。”,
“fldZAC1Yz4ONhcVae”: “checked”,
“fldm8NjjwotKUwsnL”: “checked”,
“fldsGpZNt8gM6mCra”: “checked”,
“fld3HlPNp8ucw6B5o”: “checked”,
“fldKIbZQFbsozgiNu”: “checked”,
“fldllc7YAMn04N4Kc”: “had change new faucet. キッチン蛇口交換済”,
“fldbXncSQnZnXOqbD”: “checked”,
“fldGfYXwK8prI4FFH”: “checked”,
“fldzWEgRCy7AxgZkO”: “checked”,
“fldgdQUHxaZngWqCj”: “checked”,
“fldK2H24678on243L”: “checked”,
“fldLIRUUHWDnCxIw0”: “checked”,
“fldXEOluBRDXcuCj4”: “checked”,
“fldoBI6ktY0mDE7zE”: “checked”,
“fld7S28PObfIbMfwY”: “checked”,
“fldNwUzj0wUFz1UIF”: “checked”,
“fld4Q4dkA4Bl075AS”: “had change new faucet. 洗面台蛇口交換済”,
“fldvcpFQ0rZg0xsLq”: “checked”,
“fld5kfOVICoDpu9XM”: “checked”,
“fldEV1qBI7nONBKIT”: “checked”,
“fldW5MVIn3fGKswoy”: “checked”,
“fldRwWBaMnlxNkqpF”: “checked”,
“fldtTC04nUS4kgdi2”: “checked”,
“fldHUmhFuvok2Fdqj”: “checked”,
“fldVWzLdiqahvdT3j”: “checked”,
“fldznSaM2je3sQBOE”: “checked”,
“fldSGMhLsn3z0ODQb”: “checked”,
“fldQ5Uhljrumsmm4W”: “checked”,
“fldNbcq25e5LPVDTs”: “checked”,
“fldBG9gQicCj8GfUN”: “checked”,
“fldZDW5vDBW8de3yF”: “checked”,
“fldU8qfGZNK4NWnJA”: “checked”,
“fld1uDEn8iEMbRIAa”: “checked”,
“fld0KDY4XzaDzeysB”: “checked”,
“fldfJZQBS1U4oSMAL”: “checked”,
“fldMFZMIwyXYgT9M2”: “checked”,
“fldzTzl1IJDDiZHE9”: “checked”,
“fldrPMUNBuqI4Ljgz”: “checked”,
“fld42ZCkP2R3Tn4mB”: “checked”,
“fldFhikt2zNFtPsTX”: “checked”,
“fldzcQQ6aQbJZYBPz”: [
“id”: “attGGSKz0OGIuHy3b”,
“width”: 1202,
“height”: 672,
“url”: “”,
“filename”: “Bird of Paradise.png”,
“size”: 1567186,
“type”: “image/png”,
“thumbnails”: {
“small”: {
“url”: “”,
“width”: 64,
“height”: 36
“large”: {
“url”: “”,
“width”: 916,
“height”: 512
“full”: {
“url”: “”,
“width”: 1202,
“height”: 672
“id”: “attzblqgND2Ns7IGp”,
“width”: 1242,
“height”: 784,
“url”: “”,
“filename”: “Bottle Brush Tree.png”,
“size”: 1994957,
“type”: “image/png”,
“thumbnails”: {
“small”: {
“url”: “”,
“width”: 57,
“height”: 36
“large”: {
“url”: “”,
“width”: 811,
“height”: 512
“full”: {
“url”: “”,
“width”: 1242,
“height”: 784
“fldK4d0zHXgcyI9DQ”: “checked”,
“fldr5QO8RbUoTJUOu”: “checked”,
“fldEvY2rUvDSzwDMr”: “checked”,
“fldDwaRgQE0sM2sLc”: “checked”,
“fldEG8Qub6cPgwlPh”: “a”,
“fldq8yveybvlmWaCh”: [
“id”: “att45A6IoBUhzRNFS”,
“width”: 985,
“height”: 406,
“url”: “”,
“filename”: “Screenshot 2024-01-18 202904.jpg”,
“size”: 46434,
“type”: “image/jpeg”,
“thumbnails”: {
“small”: {
“url”: “”,
“width”: 87,
“height”: 36
“large”: {
“url”: “”,
“width”: 985,
“height”: 406
“full”: {
“url”: “”,
“width”: 985,
“height”: 406
“fldXfNjVMZsYw12io”: “checked”,
“fld9gF6KQFRtnqSAg”: “checked”,
“fldjACCdCXm9fLwXu”: “checked”,
“fldEpTLMi2wURmnK5”: “checked”,
“fld6G3dP4EGJecAKx”: “checked”,
“fldVX6VcuE8eDI3tj”: “had tip on the top of the tank. タンク上部に表面に欠けがあります。少し修復法を考えてみます。”,
“fldSq38lxjmk4MLn6”: “checked”,
“fldYjjj4y4BiyNXj9”: “checked”,
“fldKKB8w7hGut2fXB”: “checked”,
“fldYrwNsNzRbNVlQ8”: “checked”,
“fldTmHos3dtD2qVlL”: “2024-01-25T23:02:39.000Z”,
“id”: “recBsvs5kyDONenL7”,
“createdTime”: “2024-01-25T23:02:39.000Z”

After watching a tutorial
I managed to run this scenario.

iterators run on an attachment field.

then http module downloads the images[even though this isn’t exactly my goal, I only wish to extract URLs]

put them through aggregator. by selecting all I can pass other data to gmail also.

Here is a exported blueprint of this test scenario.
blueprint (1).json (114.6 KB)

Any tip to make this happen would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Hey @eggsta
I think this will help you

Turn off “Map”

And you will find all the fields like this

It will help if you send an attachment with a name and content ID.

Additionally, the “add an attachment” will help you send multiple attachments.


Thank you @Abhishek, unfortunately this won’t work for me as my goal is to send an array of URLs in the mail content not as attachment.

Hi Folks, solved it. I just needed to use Text Aggregator to bundle up URLs between Iterator and Gmail modules. all good, Aloha


Hi @eggsta welcome to the community :wave:

I’m just quickly stepping in to say great work figuring this one out :clap:

Thanks a lot for coming back into the thread and sharing what did the final trick for you. This is super valuable and could be incredibly helpful to others searching for similar information :pray:

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