Hi everyone !
I am developing an Employee management app(Web & Mobile ) with Adalo.
The issue I have is that, when an Admistrator creates a new post or adds a new event on the Web App it does not send the push notification to the Mobile App .
According to some few research I made I heard it is posssible to set up a push notification scenario with make.com.
So, I would like to be asissted on how and what are the exact modules does one need to use in order to set up a scenario that will send push notication to all users of the app whenever a new Post or Event has been created/added using the Web App.
Hi. I am good and thanks for the assistance. However I would like to know what are the right/good modules that I can link to my Webhook in order to set up the scenario that will be a ble to send trigger/ Push notifications from my Web App to Mobile app.
I tried using the Webhook using the modules in the screesho below but they dont seen to solve the issue.