This is the task i am currently handing "3 steps, but I am not sure if it is correct. I want to build the scenario where we are checking the last order in Shopify. if the ordered item from that order causes out of stock of this item in the “Main Warehouse” then we need post info on “OOS” Slack channel and another additional node in this automation which will additionally check if the total quantity of the item after the order not become negative and if yes then send to slack the message: {item name}, {SKU}, now has negative total quantity.
which i have done with first adding Shopify watch order ----- Iterator ---- Router ----- Two Shopify search for inventory level which (first is for only main warehouse while the second is for all the warehouse) and then each Shopify search for inventory is connected to a slack “Create a message” node
i noticed that whatever order that enters the store which is seen by the Shopify watch order node isn’t seen by the search for inventory item level, instead the search for inventory item level are seeing product from 2021 instead of the latest order as seen by the Shopify watch order
This images are the images for the Shopify search for inventory levels and they are old data as against the new data gotten by Shopify watch order node