Skipping Weekends in My N+X Date Calculations

Hey everyone,

I’m trying to create a scenario in that calculates various “N + X” dates, but I want to handle weekends intelligently. I’ve tried several formulas (like using switch() or if() with formatDate(...)), but I’m running into unexpected results—either the formula never recognizes Saturdays/Sundays or the output date format is off.

What I’m Doing

  • I have a “Submission time” field coming from a form ( (image #2 shows how I have it formatted).
  • I want to produce Day+1, Day+2, Day+3, Day+5, and Day+7 dates, skipping weekends if the resulting date lands on a Saturday or Sunday (i.e., push it to Monday).
  • Alternatively, I might need a full “business day” approach (excluding weekends entirely), but for now, I just don’t want the final date to fall on a weekend.

My Formula

Below is one of the formulas I’m using for Day+1 (image #1), but similar logic applies for Day+2, Day+3, etc.:

I’m expecting it to check the weekday of N+1, and if it’s “Sat” → go N+3, “Sun” → N+2. Otherwise, just N+1.

But the results aren’t matching. It just counts calendar days ignoring weekends.


Image #2 (Submission Time Format)

Questions for the Community

  1. Why might “Sat” or “Sun” not be recognized in the formula? Could it be an issue with date formatting, like using "EEE" vs. "d" or uppercase/lowercase?
  2. Is “YYYY-MM-DD” correct for formatting in (especially for Notion or other apps)? I know sometimes uppercase MM vs. lowercase mm matters.
  3. Am I mixing up “N+X” vs. “X business days”? I mostly want “If the final day is Saturday, jump to Monday; if the final day is Sunday, jump to Monday,” but not fully remove weekends from the middle.

Any tips or best practices would be super appreciated. If there’s a simpler approach to handle skipping weekends for these different Day+ calculations, I’m all ears!

Thank you in advance for any suggestions or clarifications.

Hello @Hugo_Dupont,
As per your current implementation, I recommend you first use the parseDate() function and then use formatDate().
Also, try to get the day of the week.
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