Slack Display Name Discord

I was wondering if it was possible to create a function where it shows their display name, if they don’t have a Display Name, display there Real Name on Discord. From what I’ve noticed, if I used the Profile: Display Name, it will use their display name if they have one, if they don’t Discord will just leave it blank with no name.

Discord: Send a Message Input

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                "timestamp": "2024-04-05T23:36:36.000Z",
                "description": "Test"
        "select": "channel",
        "channelId": "1225285657514217482",
        "message_reference": {}

Discord: Send a Message Output

        "id": "1225952263961579611",
        "type": 0,
        "content": "",
        "channel_id": "1225285657514217482",
        "author": {
            "id": "1225193136242819143",
            "username": "Slack Bot",
            "avatar": "e02ec15c7b906d509fba39e4f3e3f584",
            "discriminator": "6116",
            "public_flags": 0,
            "flags": 0,
            "bot": true
        "attachments": [],
        "embeds": [
                "type": "rich",
                "description": "Test",
                "timestamp": "2024-04-05T23:36:36+00:00"
        "mentions": [],
        "mention_roles": [],
        "pinned": false,
        "mention_everyone": false,
        "tts": false,
        "timestamp": "2024-04-05T23:36:36.820Z",
        "flags": 0,
        "components": []
