Im trying to trigger my automation whenever a message is sent to a specific slack channel. I am currently doing it by adding the “outgoing webhooks” app to my slack channel, which should then trigger my Custom Webhook node in make but something seems to not be working. I’ve set the trigger to immediately but it will only trigger in response to a message being sent when i manually press “Run Once” first. Is there something i’m not considering or doing wrong? Or is there a way to make it trigger automatically? As far as i know i’ve done everything correctly but it just wont work.
I’ve tried using a new web hook with no success.
Ive tried turning the scheduling on and off again.
Scheduling in Make is toggled on and set to Immediately.
I’ve double checked the Webhook URL in my slack app is correct.
Any ideas what i should try next? I could maybe try swap the Webhook node for a “Watch Public/Private Channel Messages” node but based of my quick research, linking slack directly to Make looks complicated for a new user like myself.
Thanks in advance
Welcome to Make @Charles_From_Glassai;
Outgoing Webhooks is deprecated, therefore not reliable. The functionality is replaced by creating Slack Apps, and I admit that’s a little painful too.
As such, your direct connection method is easier to deal with.
In bigger picture, what are you wanting to accomplish for yourself or others?
Hi Michael, thanks for your reply! I’m trying to build a UI with Notion that triggers instant automations. Please excuse me if you’re already familiar with Notion but within the program users can build buttons that send messages to slack channels with a single click. Basically, i want that button to be my trigger. I think i’ve actually gotten it to work with the “outgoing webhooks” app but any suggestions on how i could improve it would greatly be appreciated. I’ll look into creating slack apps too.
Hello @Charles_From_Glassai; I’m not familiar with Notion, though I should check it out to be more helpful in the future.
One thing I’ve learned from 30 years in tech, and life in general, if it work, it works. Worry about better ways only when it’s required.
So congratulations on where you’ve gotten.
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