Hey Everyone,
Quick question re Watch Slack Users. I’m interested in getting the information when a new users is added to Slack and then updating Airtable with the User details.
The module I’m using is the Watch User Module but this will also trigger when changes are made. How can I filter our changes made? I’m only interested in New users beijng added.
Hi @Jason_Jakarta,
I haven’t used this module specifically but sometimes there is some kind of “status”/“trigger”/“reason”. If that’s the case, that’s probably the easiest.
Otherwise, you’d need to query Airtable if the user already exists → if no → keep going…
Thanks @Richard_Johannes,
I know what you mean re the trigger reason (Seen is Stripe) but it doesnt seen to have anything in this module like that.
The records are already likely in Airtable so I’m searching to find and update their Slack ID.
The scenario works but is not efficiate so I’m trying to cut down of operations.
Thanks for your input though👍🏽
Mhmm, and is there something like “created_at” ?
Would you be able to post a screenshot of the module output here? Without personal data… 
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This is the bundle. The profile just has data on the user.

I agree, it is probably best to look at a created at or check Airtable and Filter
Is this a bundle from a newly created user or an updated one?
Could you search for both?
I See there is a value “Updated: 22 November…” do newly created user have this value as well?
Good point. I’ll wait and see what happens with a created one. There may be a difference.