I’m curious how speed of processing of a scenario is influenced by pulling values from AirTable vs Pulling from an Array/bundle that has been previously pulled from a Google Sheet.
Hi @Scott_Swain,
I am not sure what you are comparing? Of course, if the module has to make a request to Airtable in order to process a value, it will take more time than a module that only has to process a value that is already in memory.
Is that your question?
Hey Henk -
Yes, thanks for answering and thanks for your clarifying question.
As a 29-year software engineer, I understand that this could be as simple as something like RAM vs HD or RAM vs network access.
I guess (and I apologize for not being more clear before): I’m looking for someone to say more like, “Yes AirTable access would be slower but not very noticeable because caching or something…” or “I only recommend using AirTable for initial pulling data into some local variables because it’s 10x slower…”
So yeah, I hope that is more clear
Thank you for your clarification, @Scott_Swain.
It is an interesting question, although I must say I never bothered to answer it. For me, any delay or speed of an executing is negligible. Only the Teams and Enterprise plans have high priority execution. With plans lower than that, scenario runs are placed in a queue, so there you are at the mercy of the speed of processing on Make’s side anyway. And I haven’t been in a situation where I needed to optimize speed that far, so I cannot help you answer this question, unfortunately.
Actually that is the kind of info I was looking for. THANK YOU, Henk!
You can shave a few seconds per Airtable/Google Sheet module by using the Make’s native solution: Data Stores.
For more information, see the Data Store documentation in the Help Center or Make Academy.
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