Syncing Airtable with Google Sheets: Data validation

Hey friends,

I am syncing Airtable records with Google Sheets via Make.
The tricky part is that in Airtable “Status” select field the number of values is not the same as in Google Sheets:
In Airtable we have 3 values and in Google Sheets only 2 (identical to Airtable values).
Airtable. Google Sheets
To do To do
In progress In progress

The goal is to ensure that if the selected value in Airtable does not exist in Google Sheets, the status field not be updated in the latter.

I have found a workaround in Airtable by creating a second status field > automating it to match only with the values existing in both places > mapping the second field. However, I would like to have the solution inside Make

Experimented in Make as well.
In the Google sheet “Update a Row” module I tried adding an IF formula when mapping the Status which would say, if a status value exists in both locations (ex. To do) take value from Airtable, otherwise take it from Google sheet (existing value in Gsheets, so that it will not change), but it doesn’t work.

Here is the scenario screenshot

Here is the formula I created. Experimented both with and without adding “Or” function. May be I am doing something wrong with formulas, as logically I guess it should work:)

Would greatly appreciate any help. Thank you!

Hi @Araksya_Yeprikyan
You can apply a filter to check if the status is either "To do"or “In progress” and then update the column in google sheet:

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Thanks for the reply.
When I set the filter based on status value and the filter is not passed, the whole record fails to update, not only the status field.
How can I specify that I need the filter to be applied only to the Status column, not the whole row?

Hey @Araksya_Yeprikyan

You need to make correction in your if formula like shown in below image. Please replace values with your data values and google sheet mapping with status column.

Screenshot 2024-06-22 123929

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This worked! Thank you!



Glad to help you and appreciate you acknowledgement.

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