Hi guys!
I’d like to post on LinkedIn and directly tag a person or organisation within the caption.
I’m currently using the “@” but it’s not working, this is the result: “Hello! Happy to work with @profilename !”
I read this topic but I may use some help. Isn’t there an easier way to do it?
Thanks in advance
Hey @filipporacanella,
Did you get the user URN correctly in your process?
Dimitris Goudis
Hi Dimitris!
Thanks for reaching out.
I explored the first solution given by @samliew in this topic: the problem I found is that I had to build a LinkedIn app with an organisation page. Apparently there’s no way to make it with your personal profile.
For the second solution I didn’t really get which platform is he using.
Thanks in advance
How to call an API on RapidAPI
Use the HTTP “Make an API Key Auth Request” module.
Create a new keychain connection and insert your RapidAPI API Key.
API Key parameter name: X-RapidAPI-Key
You can reuse this RapidAPI keychain for all API calls to RapidAPI – you’ll just need to change the X-RapidAPI-Host
value based on the API you are calling.
Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.
— @samliew
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