Hi all,
I’ve been running in some trouble with creating a deal after creating a contact. Do I have to change the ‘contact’ to ‘company’? Or what do I need to change to not get that error happening? If I switch it to company it requires an ID as well, I suppose this will not be a contact ID anymore but rather a company ID. We don’t have company ID’s since we don’t store companies in general.
How do I get rid of this problem?
Hi @Bamboologic,
Read the error message carefully; don’t use a Contact type of customer and a Contact Person at the same time. The Contact Person can only be filled in if the customer type is Company. And it that case it should be an ID too.
Hi Henk,
Thank you. As the fields are pretty similar to each other and all related to a contact person in general, I think I mixed up the ID field with the Contact Person field. Overlooked it I guess. Thank you for your reply, this got me taking a step back and zoom out and find the problem!
I have one other question about a little error on 1 of our forms. There is says that an invalid Country Code is given in the Country field (see image 1). But when I check it in the scenario, it seems that the input is exactly as described, 2 letters in capital for the country. In this case NL (see image 2). Do you know why it is giving this error?
Hopefully the very last error to encounter for a while hahaha