Text parser matching http patern not working with a specific website

from a telegram watch updates module I pass the a message sent to telegram to a text parser in order to extract a website url:

It works with every website, except with this one La farce de Poutine et Touadera :

This is what happens with all the other websites:

I got the input and the output.

This is what happens with this specific website:
No output.

I don’t understand :flushed:

Hi @Pamela1 ,
In the second screenshot you are missing “www.” after “https://”.
So by adding “www.” after the “https://” it will automatically fetch the whole website url.
Screenshot 2024-01-02 164847

Add (-) Dash in Special Characters in the pattern.
It will run perfectly.

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thanks @sachinkadam5 I already tried that, but the result was the same.
No output.

Thanks @sachin.shrivastava it works!
Why is that? Is it a bug?
But then now it will only catch urls with “-” inside, right ? :confused:

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It matches the pattern like http://www.example.com as Base URI but the link provided by you have special character like (-) Dash in the base URL. So we have to put in ‘Special character in the pattern’


Fun fact

The Base URI is also known as the hostname.


The full hostname with the protocol, is called the origin.


If you typed location.hostname or location.origin into the browser console, these values will be what you get.

For more information, see Location - Web APIs | MDN