Text Parser, no output

Okay, I’m missing something, but I don’t know what.
blueprint.json (35.1 KB)

General flow - Email module checks email. Sees a trigger in the email module to pull emails with “rejected”. I can see the data in the second step, but there is no output. As requested in other threads, I’ve attached the blueprint. I’ll attach an empty file for the output if I need to, but there is none. The input is there though.

What am I missing?

Welcome to the Make community!

Could you please provide some example text for us to create a pattern for you?

When reaching out for assistance with your regex pattern for a Text Parser module, it would be super helpful if you could share the actual text you’re trying to match. Screenshots of text can be a bit tricky, so if you could copy and paste the text directly here, that would be awesome! It ensures we can run it against test patterns effectively. If there’s any sensitive info, feel free to change it to something fictional yet still valid by keeping the format intact.

Providing clear text examples saves time on both ends and helps us give you the best possible solution. Without proper examples, we might end up playing a guessing game, and nobody wants that as it is a waste of time! You are more likely to get a correct answer faster. So, help us help you by sharing those text snippets.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.

samliewrequest private consultation

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Well, it’s in the image, but…

Firstname Lastname (email@example.com) will not be able to fill the role of at the Month DD, YYYY meeting.

Welcome to the Make community!

You can use a Text Parser “Match Pattern” module with this Pattern (regular expression):

(?<name>.+) \((?<email>.+)\) will not be able to fill the\s+(?<role>.+)\s+role

Proof https://regex101.com/r/Z8GOaL/1

Important Info

  • :warning: Global match must be set to NO!





For more information, see Text Parser in the Make Help Center:

Match Pattern
The Match pattern module enables you to find and extract string elements matching a search pattern from a given text. The search pattern is a regular expression (aka regex or regexp), which is a sequence of characters in which each character is either a metacharacter, having a special meaning, or a regular character that has a literal meaning.

Hope this helps!

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.

samliewrequest private consultation

Join the Make Fans Discord server to chat with other makers!

Thanks. I’ll tinker with it and get the date working (I hope) :slight_smile:

And I just realized I goofed the text and left something out, but I see you had accounted for that from the image. Thank you.

This is why you need to learn how to format your example text/content so that we can solve your problem quicker as you won’t get incorrect answers.

1. This forum might have or already changed your text

When pasting text into this forum, you should format the example text using the rich-text editor, otherwise the forum software might modify the displayed text, and you might get incorrect answers from others because of it.

Some things this forum software might do to mangle your text:

– remove extra spaces (which may be necessary)
– convert links to titles (when copied is incorrect)
– incorrect joined links
– convert single and double quotes to smart angled quotes ()
– emojis
– etc.

This interferes with you receiving correct answers, because it:

– makes JSON invalid (you can verify when copy-paste into https://jsonformatter.org)
– makes incorrect text examples when we need to build a pattern for text parsing

2. To prevent this in future, please format text in code blocks

Here are two ways to format text so that it won’t be changed by the forum:

A. Type code block manually
Add three backticks ``` before and after the content/bundle, like this:

content goes here

B. Highlight and click the format button in the editor

3. You might need to re-copy the original text

Once the post has been submitted, it’s too late to format it since it’s already butchered, and you need to make a re-copy of the text, and format it before submitting the forum post.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.

samliewrequest private consultation

Join the Make Fans Discord server to chat with other makers!

Updated pattern with date matching: https://regex101.com/r/Z8GOaL/2


Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.

samliewrequest private consultation

Join the Make Fans Discord server to chat with other makers!

Actually, nothing was changed. I simply left a word out.
Thanks for the reminder though.
And I was able to get the date working.