The "create connection" button does not appear with bubble module

Hi there, new to make, I’ve followed every step from this page: “*18uls88*_gcl_au*MTIyMDg2NjI0Ny4xNzIxMTUwMjM1*_ga*MzM3MjE2Nzc5LjE3MjExNTAyMjA.*_ga_MY0CJTCDSF*MTcyMTE1MDIxOS4xLjEuMTcyMTE1MjQ0NC42MC4wLjA.#additional-resources-for-using-bubble
I’ve created in bubble the Mytable data type, and the email field, and I’ve created the new entry, but still the problem persists, in make I don’t have any “create connection” button. (logically speaking it doesn’t have to do anything with what I’ve typed in Bubble, because the module is not yet connected, so it couldn’t know what I did in bubble, so I suppose this is an error from make)

Please let me know where I’m wrong, thx.


Hi! Welcome to the community.

  1. Create scenario or use existing one,
  2. Add any Bubble module other than “Watch…”
  3. Here you can find your missed button:

Have a great day!