Transform your CRM with Make and Apify

Transform your CRM with Make and Apify

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Transforma tu CRM con Make y Apify

:pushpin: Boost your CRM with Relevant Information

Imagine having the ability to automatically populate your CRM records with crucial information about your contacts and leads.
With the combination of Make and Apify, this dream becomes a reality.

The key lies in automating processes, allowing your marketing and sales team always to have relevant and updated data to drive their strategies.

:spider: Strategic Data Extraction with Apify

The magic starts with an Apify actor called Contact Details Scraper, which is designed to extract and download essential data such as emails, phone numbers, and social media profiles (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram) from any website.

I share an example of the information extracted from the website of my friend Marcelo Muñoz.

    "url": "",
    "domain": "",
    "instagrams": [
    "facebooks": [
    "youtubes": [
    "tiktoks": [],
    "emails": [],
    "phones": [],
    "linkedIns": [],
    "twitters": []

This strategic approach allows you to access valuable information efficiently, placing in your hands the necessary tools to strengthen relationships with your clients and potential clients.

Access the actor here: 📩 Contact Details Scraper and Email Extractor · Apify

:robot: Data Enrichment Automation in Airtable

Now, let’s get into action :rocket:

Imagine a database in Airtable with a list of companies, each needing to enrich their file with social network addresses. Apify comes into the picture to perform data scraping, providing you with the information necessary to keep your records current.

This first step paves the way for the next stage, where Make plays a key role in optimizing and perfecting the process.
It’s time to boost the automation created with Make!

In this article, you will discover how to perform the same data enrichment procedure in three different ways and how each iteration optimizes execution time and operation consumption.

Get ready to transform how you manage your data and boost your marketing and sales strategies! :rocket:

:brain: Optimization Strategies in Make: Succeeding with Efficiency

Now that we understand the data enrichment process, let’s look at the three different ways to implement it in Make and how each impacts the efficiency of operations.

Ready to optimize and accelerate your automation tasks?

Linear Approach: Step by Step for Updating Records

In this first approximation, the process is linear. Each record in Airtable is queried individually in Apify, waits 15 seconds for the response, fetches the data, and updates the corresponding record in Airtable.
Although functional, to process 10 records, this approach consumes 41 operations, takes 2 minutes, and uses almost 41 kb of data.

Apify Call Optimization: More Efficiency, Fewer Operations

In the second case, we optimize the call to Apify by sending them up to 10 requests in a single call. You search Airtable, group the records into a JSON structure, make the call to Apify, wait 1 minute, and then update each record in Airtable independently.
This reduces the number of operations to 25, keeps the execution time at 2 minutes, and consumes about 52 kb of data.

Airtable Call Optimization: Drastic Reduction of Operations and Time

In the third case, we take optimization to the next level by bulk updating multiple records in a single call to Airtable.
The process remains similar, but now the records in Airtable are updated together.
This approach not only dramatically decreases the operations to 10, but also reduces the execution time to 1 minute and uses less data, around 28 kb.

Boosting your Strategy with Automation and Optimization

We’ve explored how automation simplifies and enhances records management in your CRM. However, the key lies not only in automation but also in the intelligent optimization of automated processes.

Optimization is not just an additional improvement; It is the essence that transforms an automated task into an efficient machine.

As we have seen in the different approaches to Make, each adjustment has not only saved execution time but also valuable resources, such as the number of operations consumed.

In a world where efficiency is a currency, each operation we save translates into tangible savings for your company.

:point_right: Don’t waste any more time!
Discover how Make can transform your approach to data management and optimize your automated processes.

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Hey @Francisco_Fontes :wave:

Thank you so much for the never-ending amount of content that you’re providing us. It is just heartwarming to see your excitement and dedication to our community. :pray:

We appreciate it so deeply. Keep up the phenomenal job! :sunflower:

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