Trigger Gmail when "Tags" is updated to "Approved" in Notion - Duplicate Emails

I run a small video agency.

I am trying to create a content delivery email automation so that when a card being moved through the Notion kanban board gets put into the “approved” column, it sends an email which is populated by details inside the card.

So far, I have managed to get Make to recognise when a new card is in the Approved column, and then populate an email using the fields inside the Notion card (things like recipient, content title, editor name etc), and the emails send, which is great.

The problem I have now is, the following:

For example, let’s say it’s 1pm.

Our project manager moves Card A into “Approved” column in Notion.

Make runs every 15 minutes.

At 1:15pm, Make sees Card A in the “Approved” column and sends the email.


Now, let’s say is 1:20pm.

Our project manager moves Card B and Card C into the “Approved” column.

At 1:30pm, Make sees Card B, Card C AND Card A (which it previously already sent an email out for), and sends 3 emails, one for each card.

How do I make it so Make only sends emails for the new cards added to the column since it last ran the scenario?

You could:

  1. Add a checkbox or date property to the Notion database (used as a control). Let’s say this property is called “Email Sent”.
  2. As the last step in the scenario, populate the property by checking the box or mapping the current time
  3. In or right after the trigger module (depending on whether you’re using “Search objects” or “Watch database items”), add a filter for “Email Sent” “is empty”
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Hey @Fitzee

If you are getting the date in your data, then you can set up the date filter to pass from last 15 minutes only.

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