Twitter API Basic API Subscription Not Working

Is anyone else paying for the Basic Plan for Twitter? If so, does it work with Make?

I am currently paying for the Twitter basic plan and when I try to list followers for example, I get this error message

“The operation failed with an error. 403 Client Forbidden: You are trying to access v2 Twitter endpoint. Make sure you have a Basic plan at least.”

I am confident that it is on Twitter’s end or it is a user error on my part but there aren’t a lot of settings on the Twitter Developer’s dashboard.

I can authenticate just fine with both Legacy using the API key and Client Secret and OAuth 2.0 using the Client ID and the Secret. I would love to connect with someone to know if they had an issue and how did they overcome it?

This post may help you, as it outlines the current situation with Twitter authentication on Make.

You’ll need to create your own Twitter app in the Twitter developer dashboard following this documentation, first “Create Custom App and Client Credentials in Twitter”, then “Connect Twitter to Make” (using the custom app credentials).

For more information, see


I went ahead and cancelled my basic api subscription with Twitter. When they approve app, I will give them my money. In the meantime, I will continue plugging away on other automations.