Unable to access Iterator Value fields (or properties)

Hi everyone,
Its driving me crazy.
I need to iterate on a collection, which is the value of an iterator

First i ve parsed a json response, and set a variable to return an array.

But i did not fin any way to acces the datas in the Value of the iterator (31). I try map(), get(), toString, ToCollection, ToArray functions, none of them give me access to the Value fields…

I am quite stucked, an to be honest out of ideas.

Could anyone please help me, in fact i would prefer to understand what i am doing wrong.

I have found topics that are nearly similar but none of them helped me.

Many many thanks.

Welcome to the Make community!

My guess is you have to replace module [29] with an Array Aggregator module, and select the “Value” variable.

If you still need further assistance,

Please provide the input and output bundles for module [27]. Run the scenario, then click the white speech bubble on the top-right of the module, save the bundle contents in your text editor as a bundle.json file, and upload it here into this discussion thread.

Providing the input and output bundles will allow others to replicate what is going on in the scenario even if they do not use the external service.

This will allow others to better assist you. Thanks!


Hi samliew,

i ve just found a solution, a very very ugly one, but it works.
I ve iterate (with an iterator with the function toArray()) on the wanted collection, then i ve aggregated the result Array, and then iterate again on the aggregated array. after that i was able to access the properties of the Value data with this syntax

I guess its an operation that Make knows because on the UX the representation changed as this
Sort of custom bundle

Anyway, i guess im not really clear but my issue is solved.

Many thks.


Hello there @Baptiste_Petrilli welcome to the community :wave:

I just wanted to quickly say awesome work figuring this one out :clap:

Also, thank you so much for stepping back in here and sharing your final solution with the community. This is super valuable and can be incredibly helpful to others searching for similar info in the future. :pray: