Unable to map variable from previous response

I’m setting up a WatchResponses from Airtable and a GetRecord by the found Airtable RecordId in step 1.

The WatchResponses step works fine. However, I’m unable to map the found RecordId from the WatchResponses step in the second GetRecord step. If I just add it by hand “1. ID” it somehow finds the record and I can use the values in step 3.

But if I run the scenario it fails at step 2 because the RecordID shows as “1. ID” instead of the real found recordID from Airtable. I have attached some screenshots to show the problem.

There aren’t any outputs coming from the first module that I see. Send over a test reponse first and then you should be able to map the values correctly.

Hi @Rene_Lukkien
Instead of {{1.id}} try mapping {{1.AirTableRecordID}}.Or if you run the watch module for one it will show the variable to map in next modules.

Best regards,

Msquare Automation
Gold Partner of Make

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Thank you. This worked. Strange that I didn’t see that before. I have made many Make automations already and know how it works. Perhaps in combination with the WatchResponse it’s a slightly different behaviour.

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Hi @Rene_Lukkien
We would really appreciate if you mark the answer as solution if it helped you. This will keep the community healthy and organized.

Msquare Automation - Gold Partner of Make

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