Uploading CSV file to Google Drive is causing multiple duplicates


I have a scenario where I’m trying to upload a CSV file to Google Drive and have it be converted to a google spreadsheet.
The Issue is that when the scenario runs, it ends up continuously repeating the “upload a file” step for Google Drive and I end up with multiple of the same files in my Drive folder.

I am firstly getting the CSV from Drive, and then reuploading it in another folder to be a spreadsheet.

This is what the setting sin the upload module looks like:

When it runs, you can see it performs multiple operations. But all the files it uploads are exactly the same. I can’t seem to find anything directly mentioning this issue online.

Hey @Muaaz_Kasker

Can you share a screenshot of the full scenario setup, from the history page? the module is running multiple times most possibly because the module before it has produced multiple bundles as well.


This is the full diagram. It is true that the CSV parser returns multiple bundles, but that is never used in the upload function, or at all.

I found the solution. The issue was with the CSV parser. Even though I wasn’t using the data from there anywhere, as soon as I took it out, everything worked as expected, and there were no more duplicates being created

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Just to add to what @Olly_Ats mentioned…

It was your Parse CSV module causing this.

In general, anything that does a “Parse” will return multiple bundles, acting like an Iterator.
Parse JSON behaves the same way.

You can follow these kinds of modules with an Aggregator (JSON, Array, Text, Table, etc…) to package all the bundles back up into a single bundle.
Otherwise, all the modules that follow a parse/iterator type bundle will run for EACH bundle.