If you have ever built an iOS app (or used one) you know that Notifications are front and center when it comes to getting attention from phone users, even when the app is not in the foreground. Notifications appear in a variety of ways and also collect themselves in the Notification center. There is a lot of ways to implement Notifications and they drive a lot of behavior when it comes to serving up users personalized information, pseudo-ads or just calls to action.
When building an iOS app, sending notifications to those apps is surprisingly easy with Make. When you read the iOS developer information there is a section on what you need to do to setup a “server infrastructure” and it all looks complex (and expensive). Instead you can use Make.com with the all important Apple Push Notification app. Unfortuantely this app has little to no documentation in the Make help files (but is fully documented here), but in the meantime here’s a short video describing this functionality which allows you to build out scenarios to
a) record app tokens form installed iOS apps
b) distribute cusotmized notifications to installed iOS apps
ps. The Forms for Make app is built by the great @Wemakefuture! Thank you for letting us try out the fantastic forms builder.
pps. This post does not describe the Apple iOS app for Make.. The Apple iOS app for Make and its modules allow you to monitor events performed by your Apple iOS device and/or perform various actions in Make (like running a scenario from a button) using your Apple iOS device.