Using the Youtube API and other OAuth 2.0 APIs with Integromat

Hey everyone !
If like me, you’ve been waiting forever for the Youtube module in Integromat, I’ve found an easy workaround to connect to the Youtube API, using the « Make an OAuth 2.0 request » module in Integromat !

If you’re interested, I have recorded a quick tutorial showing how I connected my Youtube account + created a scenario to update the thumbnail of my videos : How to change a Youtube video thumbnail AFTER upload with Integromat - Use OAuth APIs w/ Integromat - YouTube

Hope it helps !


thank you for your contribution to the community. The only downside here is that the HTTP modules don’t take care of the refresh token.

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Hi, I’ve followed your Youtube tutorial, but I still have an error when trying to upload a video to Youtube : {“error”: {“code”: 401,“message”: “Unauthorized”,“errors”: [{“message”: “Unauthorized”,“domain”: “youtube.header”,“reason”: “youtubeSignupRequired”,“location”: “Authorization”,“locationType”: “header”}]}}" although the connection to my Google account is working well, it looks like the token is not sent to Google to upload the video.
Any idea ?

Hi @Julien_Menard

Check out our app here:
Also, check out this amazing use case:
Transform your YouTube channel with Make - #5 by Msquare_Automation

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Hi @Msquare_Automation

Thanks for your message, but your application doesn’t provide the upload method of YouTube API, which is what I need and what I’m trying to do.


Hi @Julien_Menard

With our app, you can upload both Shorts and long videos.

If you require additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
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Hi @Julien_Menard
Uploading video feature is also included in our app here:

Following are other key features:

If you require additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
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| Book Live Implementation
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