Variable names not showing in other modules

I have a very simple scenario, webhook module to receive data, second module to get time variable and a third response webhook module to respond. When editing the body of the response webhook the variables from the first webhook module do not appear. The variables from the second module are showing (see screen shot below). BTW - if I look to add varibales to the second module, this cannot see the webhook module variables either.

Screen shot of module body

Hi @simonh4004 and welcome to the Make Community!

Did you run the webhook once to get the data structure? If not, that may be the problem. The outlined variable indicates that it’s been added manually, but does not exist in the module that is being called.


P.S. You can copy and paste your screenshots directly here. You don’t have to store and share them from Google Drive.

Thanks for the suggestion L - yes I have tried that (in fact it is my standard way of setting a scenario up). So unfortunately I am still stuck on this!

Well, if you can share an export of your scenario, someone might be able to test it on their end and figure out the problem. Ideally, sample data would help also, especially if it’s a POST webhook and not a GET URL.



I have loaded the exported blueprint. An example curl call (run from a mac terminal):

curl -X PUT ‘

This returns:

{ “results”: [ { “toolCallId”:", “result”: “The time is: 15:12” } ] }

The variable I need to populate being the toolCallId - which is not available from the selection, as per the screen shot.

Thanks Simon
simpleScenario.json (5.8 KB)

I know what I have done wrong here. I used to make the initial test call - this supplied the missing callerID. As that call has issues I tried to isolate the scenario using a curl call. As that curl call does not supply the toolCallId, the tool does not offer that as a variable within the scenario.


OK, I think I know what’s happening4. . You’re calling the URL with no parameters.

So Heres is what you do:

  1. Click your webhook and redetermine the data structure

  1. Call it like this and the webhook will know what to expect as incoming data:

  1. Then you will be able to use the result in the last webhook of your scenario


That’s great, thanks Simon.

Cool, if it solves your problem, make sure to mark that as such. That way if someone else runs into the same problem, they might find the solution here.


Just to close this off - I ran the following from the command line (mac terminal):

curl -X PUT ‘

As that passes in toolCallId, this then reappears in the second webhook when I want to define the outgoing datastructure. The reason for the confusion was that I had originally called this from (which supplies toolCallId) and subsequently wanted to test it using curl calls.