Watch Email (Gmail) to get emails from the last month

I’m trying to create a scenario in to help me track emails that haven’t received a response. The goal is to automatically get all emails from the last 30 days and send a notification email if there’s no reply.

I started by using the “Gmail - Watch Emails” module, but I’m stuck on how to set it up to only retrieve emails within that specific time frame.

Has anyone successfully built a similar scenario or could offer some guidance on how to configure the date/time filter in the “Gmail - Watch Emails” module (or suggest an alternative approach)? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

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You’re asking this, but just modify for monthly instead:

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Thanks for your reply @samliew
I appreciate your suggestion, but I need to include the threadID of the original email in the notification email for reference.

I’ve noticed that the “Get Email” module doesn’t seem to provide the threadID. Is there a way I can retrieve this information, as I’ll need to pass it along in the notification email sent by the scenario?

If you’ve read my post, in step #4 I’ve mapped the thread id using the references array.

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Thanks for your response.
I need to inlcude the value of threadID in the text that will be sent as email.

You can use the same variable in the email content body field.

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I obtained four email bundles from the “Get Emails” module. However, only one of these bundles includes a “references” array in the “Header - Basic” section. Unfortunately, this “references” array doesn’t appear to provide a simple way to extract the thread ID.

While I can retrieve thread IDs through the “Watch Emails” module, this isn’t ideal because I need to run a scenario that encompasses all emails with a specific subject from the past 30 days.

Here’s my envisioned approach:

  1. Aggregate all emails matching the subject into arrays, grouped by thread ID using the “Array Aggregator” module.
  2. Extract the last item from each aggregated array, which will represent the most recent email in that thread.
  3. Filter these last emails, and if the sender matches our specific criteria, trigger an email to be sent.