Webhook - Parameter Reference

I am receiving data from a webhook, the body is below.

The issue we’re having is when referencing the collection called Parameters inside Make, {{1.Parameters.Action}} works fine, but {{1.Parameters.Document.Id}} does not work, nothing is returned.

We believe that the name “Document.Id” (with the dot) is the problem.

How can I reference this object in the collection using [ ] (brackets) instead of dot notation so that Make can get the data correctly?


Figured it out.

The format that was accepted was:


What I am trying to show you above, Document.Id is enclosed in ` (backtick).

The backtick is the key on your keyboard, upper left hand side, also the tilde key on shift.

The editor doesn’t make it easy to see. It actually looks like it is hiding the backticks, puts it in a different font and a different background color.

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