◉ Error: Missing value of required parameter 'team_id' at automate hook cration

I would like to automate the creation of a webhook with the Make API, but when I send the request, I encounter an error. I’m a beginner, and I don’t quite understand it because I have already filled in the ‘teamId’ parameter.

“On the other hand, I don’t quite understand what I should put in “__ IMTCONN __” and “formId”, since in the API documentation it says they are not required, but if I don’t include them, the request asks for them as required.”
It’s posible that the Make API documentation isn’t updated?



Hello @aissistant,

Trying creating a hook with typeName “web” instead of “jotform” and do not include the __IMTCONN__ and formId parameters.


Thanky you so much, i’ve already solved changing “jotform” by “gatway-webhook”! I hope this can be useful for someone