When calling another scenario, will the next module wait for the scenario to complete?

When calling another scenario, will the next module wait for the scenario to complete?

In this example, will the module Scenario 3 runs only after Scenario 2 completes, or just be called after the previous one?

I did some tests, it turns out the scenario modules don’t wait for an answer, and next module is run automatically.

Not ideal. This should be improved, by adding an option to “Wait for completion.”

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You might consider submitting a feature request for this.

I think in this case you should just use an HTTP module to call your scenario.
In that other scenario, add a Webhook Response module in the appropriate places to send a response back to the calling scenario to indicate Success/Failure/Done.

HTTP should wait for a response up to ~40 seconds.

Done here https://www.make.com/en/app-improvement-ideas/p/option-to-wait-for-completion-when-calling-a-scenario-chain-scenarios


Hi @Gabriel_R ,

Do variables that you declare in scenario 2 continue over scenario 1? Don’t think so, but maybe there’s a workaround. If your scenario 2 always takes like 3mins to execute, maybe use a sleep module ?

Variables don’t carry over, but that’s a limitation I can live with, and we can save for a future enhancement request :slight_smile: