Why is Polling at make.com is so damn hard?

I struggle almost whole day today to make API data polling work.
It is absurd to me how on 2nd biggest automation platform, it is even a thing, not to have something out of the pocket to create in some simple manner polling.

I’ve tried everything including variables and aggregators…

The 37 set variable module after I get success message from Google speech api doesn’t change the variable thus, repeater keeps repeating…

Here is my blueprint
blueprint.json (62.8 KB)

I would really appreciate any hint. Cheers.


I’m sure others would agree that this is a very important feature to have.

You can submit this suggestion to the Idea exchange, under Platform ideas and improvements.

Don’t forget to search for it first, just in case someone already suggested it, so that you don’t end up creating a duplicate.


Thanks for response I’m going to submit a suggestion.

In regards to my problem tho, any advice?


Something like this perhaps, you throw an error to break out of the check loop if there is a successful state.

Throw error by using null in a required field.


This is where the commit directive comes in useful.


Hi there thanks for response.
FIrst of all how did you manage do to this:

I’m unable to do such connection without additional router. See:

And secondly, even if it breaks out of the loop, the loop would still continue…

And btw for this:

I have this error:

Ok i understand that error should be used for jump out of the flow. But I just can’t make this work…

4th run is when the response is there, but it crashes before it gets to the branch with the GPT and excel.

I think I tried all options, I’m starting to be a little bit desperate)

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That is an error handling route.

No, if you are using a Commit directive in an error handling route, the scenario will terminate.

That is correct, the module is forced to throw an error to follow the error handling route, which you have not set up yet.

That is because you have no error handling routes from the sleep module.

Please copy my scenario exactly.

For more information, see


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Ok I’ve finally made it. This is my final solution:

However I don’t like it. It feels like such a workaround to me just to perform simple polling. Would really appreciate some module for that.

Anyways thanks for help Sam have a nice one.


I agree. Don’t forget to bring up this excellent suggestion in the Idea exchange, under Platform ideas and improvements.

Hopefully Make will implement this soon, since it has been asked a number of times now.

The only method closest to a do-while loop in programming in a Make scenario is, a repeater-error.

For more information, see

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Heya there @Ruslan :wave:

Just wanted to step in and thank you for thoroughly updating us on your progress while fixing your scenario. You and @samliew rock!

Keep up the good work! :hibiscus:

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Thanks @vendy it might be useful for someone who’s struggling with same problem, that is why I posted the solution.

I kind of understand why you don’t have polling out of the box, because it is a sort of the outdated paradigm in data synchronisation replaced by web-hooks or server-side events or whatever.

But there would definitely are going to be cases, where you need “while” loop to perform some action.

I’ll try come up with some diligently thought module for that.



Are you aware you can use the Make.com integration modules to trigger, and even turn on and off scenarios? I would suggest having a scenario that executes every 5 minutes and checks for your response here. This scenario is turned off, but can be turned on by the “parent” scenario (with whatever data it needs stored in a DataStore). When it successfully reads the data it needs and continues, it can turn itself off (or trigger another scenario which turns off the repeating one).

Using this kind of modularity can also help you separate re-usable parts of your scenarios, and call them from each other. It makes maintenance a little easier.