Will 429 errors re-execute if the scenario's starting point is an Instant Webhook?

We have over 600 webhook executions that failed due to a Google Sheet’s 429 error.
But after the quota refreshed, all executions become success again.

Now its hard to investigate if all the 600 failures have re-executed itself to become a success.
So, we need a way to assure the team that its all okay or we need to re-execute them all again.

1. Do you guys know if Make re-executes the scenario if a 429 error happens in the middle of the scenario?

Our scenario looks like this:

  • Starting module is a Custom Wehook (Instant)
  • Its set to process Immediately as data arrives, and processes only 1 result each time/ each cycle

2. If #1 is a No, then is there a way we can get all webhook bundles of a scenario in bulk? So that we can re-execute them.

We tried using Make’s List Scenario Logs action but it only returns the scenario logs’ summary. No info about the webhook bundle that went in per execution.

Hi @Neil_Gerson,

Welcome to the Make community!

If an error occurs in your scenario with a webhook, the scenario is turned off and subsequent webhooks are stored in the webhook queue. This will stay so until you fixed the error. After fixing the error, you can turn the scenario on again, where you can select process existing data to execute all webhooks in the queue.

You could also turn on this feature in the scenario settings to enable storage and auto-retry of the run where the error occured: https://www.make.com/en/help/scenarios/incomplete-executions#incomplete-executions



Got it. Yeah, this scenario has “Incomplete Executions” turned off. So that must be why it still keep receiving 600+ data even though it threw an error.
