Wix modules not working returning 404

I followed the steps on the Make website but for some reason when i run the module it returns a 404. the weird thing is that the connection is fine and i can even verify it. only in the module itself i get this error.

here is the module:

here’s the error:

i gave almost every permission possible after the ones on the guide didn’t work… nothing.


the links in my OAuth are like in the guide as well:

and my app is installed in my website:


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Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


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i managed to use the API using HTTP call and API KEY.

first, i created an api key here: https://manage.wix.com/account/api-keys


then you need 2 more things:

  1. Account ID
  2. Site ID

#1 you get from the same page of “API Keyes”:

#2 you get from your website’s URL:

Now you have everything to use the HTTP call to use wix operations in your make/integromat scenarios

Example on a get request for contact lables (to get lable keyes):

Choose HTTP Module:

Then “Make A Request”:

Paste the URL from the wix API (in this example, it’s https://www.wixapis.com/contacts/v4/labels)

Now, you want to add 3 headers (on every HTTP module calling to the wix API):

  1. Name = Authorization , Value = YOURAPIKEY

  2. Name = wix-site-id , Value = YOURSIDEID

  3. Name = wix-account-id , Value = YOURACCOUNTID

In this example we won’t use any body or query params.

So if you did all the above, you should have a successful run and get the lables like this:

I thank the random programmer in my automation online course for helping me crack this. it worked for me and i hope it works for more people.

Because neither the wix/make support or forums produced solutions. Hopefully now there is a defenitive one now :slight_smile:


I wish all the answers are as instructive and easy to follow like this answer.