i was trying to update the meta description from a product page. I realized that the meta description menu comes from yoast. So i connected yoast but i have no clue where to update.
There is no field or somehting.
Can you help me out? The scenario is almost finished.
It’s probably a WordPress Custom field. You’ll need to use the WordPress modules for that, not WooCommerce.
Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.
— @samliew
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I have created post and the meta description comes empty which is normal.
If I enter something in the wordpress post (YOAST field), save, and then run the get module, I get this output (first screenshot) which is good. If I don’t enter anything in wordpress and run the get module, the meta description dont appear which is also normal.
How can I update the module when the yoast meta field is empty? Which syntax or logical step do i TO have make, to make it work? In the second screenshot the description is always missing.